Stress Management

The Rule of 4 Breathing Technique

This breath method is a great way to consciously take control of your breathing pattern. It is often used in Kemetic Yoga during meditation and in between the movements of geometric progression. It can also be used in everyday life, while working out, and during times of high stress.

Step 1: exhale slowly and steadily all of the air out of your lungs through your nose and pull your navel towards your spine.

Step 2: hold for 4 seconds.

Step 3: inhale slowly and steadily through the nose filling your belly with air and pushing your navel out as far as you can away from your spine.

Step 4: hold for 4 seconds; repeat steps until you reach desired effect.

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Video: Fight or Flight Response

Paul Andersen explains how epinephrine is responsible for changes in chemistry of our body associated with the fight or flight response. Epinephrine released by the adrenal medulla are received by a number of organs associated with the sympathetic nervous system.

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